Wednesday 29 May 2013

Complex Origin of Antisocial Personality Disorder

Antisocial Personality Disorder is really a mental disorder in which people display a clear disregard for laws and also the rights of others. People with antisocial personality disorder often lie or steal and frequently fail to fulfill job responsibilities or parenting tasks. "Sociopath" and "psychopath" were labels once used to describe the individuals who exhibit the antisocial traits of the disorder.

Early adolescence it's time when antisocial personality disorder starts to develop. An adult cannot be conduct disorder being an adolescent An adult will not suddenly develop APD. People with the highest risk for developing this personality disorder are the ones who we raised within an abusive or neglectful home. The disorder affects men 3 times as often as it does women. Which is more prevalent in the prison population compared to the general population.
because of the diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder unless they met the factors for

The signs of Antisocial Personality Disorder
The classic case of the individual with an antisocial personality is indifference towards the needs and wishes of others; a blatant disregard for right and wrong and frequently the individual will be a loner. They may manipulate through lying or intimidation, have trouble holding down employment, and often fails to pay bills or fulfill parenting or work responsibilities.

Individuals with antisocial personality disorder could be aggressive and violent and therefore are likely to have a history of challenge with the law. However, for some antisocial personalities they might utilize charm and wit like a tool in their deception. Even though they may meet the criteria for the disorder, they could mask it under a facade of charm accustomed to get what they want or hide their actions.

Genetics play a role in the development of personality, just like environmental factors, specifically childhood experiences. Most factors that boost the risk of developing antisocial personality connect with a family history of the disorder as well as an abusive or neglectful childhood. A few of the major risk factors are as follows.

Good reputation for Abuse:
History of child neglect
Becoming an adult with an antisocial parent
Becoming an adult with an alcoholic parent
Becoming an adult with friends that exhibit antisocial behavior
Through an attention-deficit disorder
Having a reading or any other learning disorder
Co-occurring anxiety or depression
Co-occurring drug abuse or addiction

There's been little success in treating individuals with antisocial personality disorder, but you will find approaches that may help alleviate symptoms. Because so many individuals with antisocial personality disorder often are afflicted by co-occurring conditions such as anxiety, depression, or any other mood disorders, doctors may prescribe antidepressant or antipsychotic medications to assist alleviate these symptoms. However, lots of people with antisocial personality disorder do not take their medications as prescribed or may abuse them. 

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