Friday 10 May 2013

Pregnancy and Your Diet

One of the major changes in women upon reaching pregnancy stage is weight gain. Pregnant women are undeniably very prone to overeating sweets and other goodies due to cravings.

However, despite other symptoms that lures one to eat fun foods such as dislike of natural food and
nausea, the need have to have a balance diet is highly recommended for the growth and development of healthy baby.

In truth diet should start prior to getting pregnant. This can be achieved by following the food pyramid where the recommended foods are placed on the top like grains, vegetables, and fruits and the least recommended are placed below, for intake; meats, fats, oil, and sweets.

Below are the reasons why diet is important four pregnancies.
  • Good diet helps prevent birth defects in babies such as spina bifida, an abnormality found in newborns from mothers who have had poor diet. Spina bifida is a type of congenital disorder in babies wherein the neural tube does not close completely. However, good nutrients supplied by a well balanced and healthy diet safeguard the mother and the baby from this possibility.
  • Nutrients such as protein and zinc builds up strong uterus and placenta which helps you have an easy labor and delivery. Good nutrients also add up more oxygen and help shape up the body which are actually important for you to be able to push the baby out.
  • Vitamins C obtained from fruits like oranges and citrus strengthen your immune system which then protects you and the baby from infections.
  • Good diet enables the placenta to develop properly in order to meet the needs of the growing baby inside your tummy. Stronger placentas are at lesser risk to be disconnected from the uterus specially when exposed to various external and internal pressures that can cause miscarriage.
  • Good diet makes your baby healthier and stronger. In this case, it should be noted that whatever you eat will reflect on the baby. Eating the right kind of food along with proper and adequate servings keeps the baby’s birth weight to be at a normal level, hence; preventing the necessity for a cesarean section.
  • The iron obtained from a good diet protects you and your baby from anemia which usually arise when you experience fatigue and encompass low iron.

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