Monday 15 July 2013

Side Effects of Aloe Vera Juice

There are different ways of curing diseases. The old primitive and the most used one is the natural way with the help of different natural techniques and the artificial one in which a several  types of drugs are used for Aloe Vera juice side effects.
curing. Aloe Vera plant is a medicinal plant and here let’s discuss about the various

Side Effects
Aloe Vera as a Laxative
Aloe vera consists of the gel and the latex. The latex of the aloe vera leaf refers to the yellow part which lies just beneath the leaf skin. It contains anthraquinones like aloin, which are responsible for the laxative properties of aloe vera. When present in aloe juice, the latex can ease constipation, and stimulate bowel movement. People developed a sort of tolerance, and needed increased doses to get the same laxative effect. In fact, prolonged usage of aloe vera juice as a laxative can increase the risk of constipation. Moreover, the intake of aloe latex was associated with a depletion of the potassium from the cells in the intestinal lining.

Increases Risk of Diarrhea
The presence of anthraquinones in aloe vera juice increases the risk of diarrhea especially when consumed in large quantities. The diarrhea caused by the laxative in this juice is often severe, and accompanied by pain, stomach cramps and dehydration. It can also cause the urine to turn red.

Carcinogenic Risk
Carcinogenic activity in rats that consumed decolorized extracts of a whole leaf of aloe vera. Although the studies have not been proved in humans, the possibility of a carcinogenic risk in humans cannot be ruled out. Intake of aloe vera juice is associated with the risk of colorectal cancer.

Leads to Electrolyte Imbalance
The stimulant laxatives in unprocessed aloe vera juice can cause dehydration, and electrolyte imbalance with frequent use. The drop in the potassium levels in the blood results in weakness, and irregular heartbeats.

1 comment:

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