Saturday 28 September 2013

Amazing Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has proved to be a wonder ingredient for overcoming many health problems. Many severe health problems can be easily cured by regular use of coconut oil. Coconut oil is known to be good for skin, hair, immune system, eyes, kidneys, heart and almost all the parts of the human body.

Health Benefits Of Coconut Oil:

This is one of the many health benefits of coconut oil that's sure to please. Did you know coconut oil can help slow down the effects of ageing too? It helps with damage to healthy fats and tissues in the body. Coconut oil is filled with antioxidants which improves cardiovascular problems and the ageing of the skin.

Skin Wonders:
Not only is coconut oil good for helping your skin through the ageing process, but it is also an excellent moisturiser. Use organic coconut oil on your skin so you aren't at risk of applying toxins from pesticides. It's not just good for your skin, it is safe to use on babies and young children too.

Improves Heart Health:
One of the most impressive health benefits of coconut oil has to do with your heart. Years ago it was a common belief that all fats and oils were bad for the heart. Now we know coconut oil, along with a few others, can actually improve your heart health by reducing cholesterol. Consider using coconut oil when cooking.

Reduces abdominal fat:
Women who consumed 2 tablespoons of coconut oil every day for 12 weeks had decreased the amount of fat in their abdomen. This is significant because belly fat is typically harder to lose than other body fat.

The saturated fats in coconut oil prevent growth of fungi and parasites that cause indigestion and related problems like irritable bowel syndrome. It helps in absorption of amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

Thursday 26 September 2013

Uses Of Rose Water For Skin Care

Rose water is a common skin care remedy. People are using rose water for various beauty treatments since ages. It has numerous useful properties and thus many beauty products and cosmetics include the essence of rose water.

Uses Of Rosewater:

Restores Skin pH Balance :
Rosewater is good for all skin types as it balances serum. Rose water helps balance the serum of the skin, getting rid of excessively dry or oily skin making it soft smooth and glowing. Therefore, adding a few drops of rosewater to moisturizer is suitable for both oily and dry skin.

Prevents Wrinkles :
Due to its astringent properties, like phenol ethanol combined with anti-inflammatory agents rose water combats acne, dark spots and wrinkles.  For acne cleansing the face with rose water thrice, a day helps minimize pores and prevent wrinkles reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.  

Gets Rid of Pimples :
Rose water is also used to clear pimples and to get rid of blackheads. The rose petals have antibacterial properties and are soothing to the skin.  Mix rose water with lemon juice and applying to the skin twice a week.

Sensitive Skin :
One of the main benefits of rose water is that it acts as an anti-inflammatory, soothing irritated skin.  Since roses are a rich source of antioxidants, they help strengthen skin cells and regenerate skin tissues.

Smootheis Dry Skin :
People with dry skin use rose water to hydrate and moisturize, since the sugars present in rose petals add to rose water’s soothing effect, and its natural oils trap moisture in the skin, cleanses the skin, removing dirt, oil and other pollutants from deep inside the skin pores.

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Causes And Treatment Of Skin Asthma

Skin asthma is referred to as eczema and it makes the skin very itchy as well as inflamed. Most of the people with skin asthma must alter their lifestyles to prevent severe rashes. Some kids may also develop allergic rhinitis or even bronchial asthma.


  • The main cause of skin asthma is still unknown, but it is expected to be caused by the genetic and environmental factors.
  • The signs of skin asthma vary from person to person and all those will have dry, itchy skin. The skin will look bumpy, red and scaly, thick and leathery or become crusty and infected.
  • People suffering from skin asthma will be allergic to chlorine, wool and synthetic fibers, soaps and detergents, dust or sand and cigarette smoke.
  • There are no permanent treatments for skin asthma, but you can keep the skin healthy and avoid rash outbreaks.

Treatment and Prevention

  • Usually, emollients in the form of crams, lotions, and gels keep moisture in, and protect the commonly dry skin of patients with dermatitis. These are mostly over the counter preparations. These also keep irritants away by forming a barrier between the skin and the potential trigger factors.
  • If the break out is more severe, your dermatologist may prescribed the use of mild but potent corticosteroids to be applied on the skin one to two times daily. Treatment is usually extended for about 48 hours. If the skin gets infected due to scratching, the doctor might prescribe additional antibiotics.
  • Some kids respond to anti-allergy medications. These may be tried for a week or two, provided that it does not cause sleepiness during daytime.
  • More serious conditions require extended or additional treatment. Medications that suppress the immune reaction of the skin may be prescribed. In difficult cases, bandaging, photheraphy, and systemic treatments are given.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Natural Anti Aging Remedies For Your Skin

Hopefully, you'll live to a ripe old age. However, along with age you get the inevitable signs. Luckily, there are a number of inexpensive natural Anti Aging Remedies you can use to keep your skin looking youthful.

Home Remedies For Anti Aging:

Grate raw coconut then squeeze out the milk. Apply this to your face to give your skin back its glow.

To help rejuvenate your skin either mash it up and apply to your face like a mask or cut it into slices.

Castor Oil: 
This is fantastic for softening your skin and also helps to get rid of wrinkles.

Chips might not be too healthy but raw potato is great at helping to diminish pigment discoloration.

For wrinkle around the eyes add a good quality honey.

If you find that your eye bags have darkened over the years then this vegetable can help to refresh your skin in this area. Either mush up the pulp or cut into slices.

As well as being refreshing in a drink, lemon can also freshen up your skin. It can help with age spots and blemishes.

Rub the core of this fruit over your face to help reduce the appearance of fine lines.

Monday 23 September 2013

Amazing Health Benefits of Ginger Tea

Ginger is a light brown root with a distinctive taste and qualities that make it a much-coveted herb due to high levels of Vitamin C, magnesium and other minerals. Once made into tea, you can add peppermint, honey or lemon to mask the taste of the ginger. The benefits of ginger tea are well documented and include treatment and cures for some common conditions, but there are also some precautions to take.

Ginger Tea Benefits:

Reduce Inflammation:
The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger tea are well known and make it an ideal home remedy for muscle and joint problems. In addition to drinking ginger tea, it may also be useful to use as a topical soak on inflamed joints and other body parts.

Fight Respiratory Problems:
Ginger tea can help relieve congestion associated with the common cold. Try a cup of ginger tea for the respiratory symptoms associated with environmental allergies.

Improve Blood Circulation:
The vitamins, minerals and amino acids in ginger tea can help restore and improve blood circulation that may help decrease the chance of cardiovascular problems. Ginger may prevent fat from depositing in the arteries helping to prevent heart attacks and stroke.

Relieve Nausea:
One of the best-known benefits of ginger tea is its ability to combat nausea. Drinking a cup of ginger tea before traveling can help prevent the nausea and vomiting associated with motion sickness. If you did not drink ginger tea before you became nauseous, drink a cup of ginger tea at the first sign of nausea to relieve the symptom.

Improve Stomach Performance:
Ginger tea is very useful in improving digestion and increasing absorption of food. This benefit can also prevent belching and bloating after eating too much. In some people, ginger tea seems to have a positive impact on appetite.

Saturday 21 September 2013

Amazing Health Benefits Of Eating Garlic Daily

Garlic is helpful to the health in a very means or another. transcend the smell, and a world of excellent may be done from a daily diet of contemporary garlic or garlic supplements. Despite all the advantages of garlic are incontestible within the laboratory, garlic consumption centuries - and delivered in mistreatment natural drugs - purpose to a grass with a range of healing properties and vital nutrient worth.

Health Benefits Of Garlic:

  • Garlic lowers and regulates blood sugar levels.
  • Raw garlic is often used to treat symptoms of acne.
  • Garlic is anti fungal and reduces yeast infections in body parts.
  • Garlic’s antibacterial, analgesic and anesthetizing properties can help cure toothaches.
  • Garlic boosts your immune system.
  • It can manage high cholesterol levels.
  • It increases blood flow to the brain.
  • It may help prevent colon cancer by protecting colon cells from toxins and preventing the growth cancer cells. Garlic also contains selenium and vitamin C which are also known to protect against colon cancer.
  • If you have cold and flu, then take small amount of garlic every day until the infection disappears. Garlic tends to reduce the frequency of cold and flu without any side effects.
  • If you have moles or scars on your skin, rub garlic on the affected skin. You will get a clear and flawless skin naturally. The anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties of garlic are good to reduce skin inflammation and scars.
  • Other minerals present in garlic are, calcium, potassium, manganese, sulfur, copper, thiamin, vitamin C & E.

Friday 20 September 2013

Herbal Beauty Tips For Your Black Hair

Almost every woman wants to have a black and healthy hair. Black hair requires an extra care as they are thick and dark in color. There are also more chances to lose the hair by sun so caring the black hair is necessary. Whether you genetically have thin hair or it has thinned from years of abuse, age, chemical or heat treatments, or illness there are few solutions that can help you get the look of thick hair.

Black Hair Tips:

  • Oil massages your black hair with lukewarm oil at least twice a week. You can choose coconut oil, any herbal oil, aroma oil or olive oil to nourish your hair.
  • Keep your hair ends trimmed and moisturized. Hair with spilt ends will break and can’t grow strong. Get hair trimmed every 4-6 weeks until ends are healthy.
  • Eat healthy food which is rich in calcium, minerals, vitamins and iron for your hair.
  • Use wide tooth comb for your hair and brush them with a soft handled hairbrush. Don’t brush them often, brushing breaks hair.
  • Avoid gels and other products that are heavy on alcohol and other drying chemicals.
  • Always use shampoo, which is specifically made for black hair.
  • Apply medicated shampoo if you are getting dandruff in your hair.
  • You may not always have time to let your hair air dry, but do it whenever you can. The less heat you place on your hair in the form of blow drying, the more moisture your hair retains.
  • Never tie your hair when they are wet.
  • Try to reduce heat styling. The more heat you expose your hair to, the more damage you will cause. 

Thursday 19 September 2013

Home Remedies To Reduce Back Pain Fast

Back pain is one of the common traumas that about 80% of the people face in their lives. However, the backaches can be classified as acute and chronic. The acute pain is severe and is normally caused due to the damage of ligaments, muscles, bones and tendons. It is also seen that most of the people do not consider backache to be a serious trouble. The chronic backaches disappear on the application of the pain relief balms and sprays. Most of the people also try out some of the home remedies for back pain.

Oil Massage:
Ayurveda says back pain is a vata symptom caused by maladjustment of gas within the body. Massaging with oil at the point of the pain is very soothing. Do not press the spine while massaging the oil, but gently massage the muscles around it. Avoid exposure to breeze, so switch off fans and ACs. Cover with a sheet and rest after the massage.

Hot Packs:
Using a hot water bottle or sitting in a bathtub filled with warm water helps.

Temperature and Back Pain:
In winters, muscles shrink and old wounds and pains resurface. Current wounds also give more trouble. Likewise in summer, pain worsens with AC draughts. Avoiding direct breeze on your back, is, therefore, important.

Mental state and Back Pain:
Back pain can also be psychosomatic. If you are pessimistic and grumpy, there are chances that the problem may aggravate. If you remain positive and cheerful, it will pass.

Obesity and Back Pain:
More weight means more pressure on back muscles. Over time, the muscles become weak and this leads to pain. So keep an eye on your weight.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Benefits Of Aloe Vera For Our Health

Aloe vera has a wide range of benefits. Aloe vera is a succulent tropical plant that has a shape like a fleshy leaves. This leaf has many benefits, either as medicine or for cosmetics.

Aloe vera is unique plant, because it contains many biologically active compounds, such as mannans acetate, polymannans, anthraquinones, and various lectins. Aloe vera also contains about 75 types of substances that have been known to be useful and more than 200 other compounds that make it fit for use in herbal medicine.

Benefits of Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera juice is a laxative natural toxins, but also contain a variety of vitamins and minerals that help the body cope with stress in everyday life.

Digestive Disorders:
Aloe vera is useful especially in cases of heartburn and irritable bowel and ulcers. Aloe vera is known to soothe the esophagus and acid reflux overcome.

Oral Health:
Aloe vera is very useful for mouth and gum problems, especially in improving the deteriorating gums.

Skin Care:
Functioning remove acne, moisturize the skin, detoxify the skin, scars and marks removal, reduce inflammation, as well as the repair and rejuvenation of the skin.

Half a tablespoon of aloe vera juice is given for 14 weeks was shown to reduce blood sugar levels by 45 percent.

Helps Bowel Movements:
Aloe vera contains anthraquinone glycosidesaloin A and B are useful as a powerful laxative.

Maintain Weight: 
Aloe vera juice has been used for years to lose weight.

Aloe vera is full of antioxidants that counter free radicals to boost the immune system.

Aloe vera gel can heal and repair skin affected by burns, including burns caused by sun exposure.

Monday 16 September 2013

How To Care Of Your Damage Hair

Hair increases the attraction of men & women. How much you are smart also depend on your hair. More are given less care with their hair. If we not care our hair then it will grow older easily, loss their color and healthiness. And most often it seems that our hairs are going to damage. The best treatments for damaged hair, hair large or short hair, it is important to maintain healthy hair.

Hair Care Tips:
Yogurt with avocado: Another of the best treatments for hair mistreated is to mix 1/2 avocado with yogurt 3 tablespoons natural, then apply on hair for 20 minutes and rinse your hair, this treatment achieved you have healthy hair and very brightness.

Olive Oil and Mayonnaise: 
Mix in a bowl 1 egg, a spoon of olive oil and 2 tablespoons mayonnaise; put it on your dry hair for 15 to 30 minutes, then rinse. This is one of the best treatments for damaged hair because your hair will look brighter and stronger.

Lemon and Egg: 
Place egg yolks in a bowl and mix with a tablespoon of olive oil, stirring constantly and add the juice of one lemon and mix until well creamed. Apply mask to wet hair for 20 minutes after the rinse. One of the best treatments for damaged hair helps untangle the hair easily.

Castor Oil and Soy: 
Mix two tablespoons of castor oil with one tablespoon of soybean oil and simmer for a few minutes. Apply the mixture on the scalp and hair with gentle massage, wrap the hair with a towel and leave for 15 to 20 minutes, this is another of the treatments for damaged hair that will give you lots of shine to your hair.

Avocado and Honey: 
In a bowl mix 1 avocado, a little honey and egg yolk, stir well and put it on your dry hair for 30 minutes. After this time, rinse your hair. This is one of the treatments for damaged hair that will shine, and will look very pretty.

Friday 13 September 2013

Best Yoga Poses for a Beautiful Body

A woman’s beauty is defined by her attitude as well as her physique every woman strives to remain beautiful by using either artificial or natural means. More often than not, the artificial means usually do not work out well for the person. A natural way that can be used to boost ones health as well as their physique is through yoga for a beautiful body. Yoga is an ancient Indian art that can be translated to mean union, when it is practiced, a person is able to bring together all of their senses.

Yoga Poses:

Downward Dog:
Lower your hands to the mat on either side of your front foot and step your right foot back so it’s even with your left. Straighten your legs and push into your hands and feet as you lift your hips toward the ceiling. Move your shoulders away from your ears and draw your front ribs in toward each other. Hold for 5 breaths.

High Lunge:
Keeping arms raised and abs tight, step your left foot back and lower into lunge position so front knee is bent at 90 degrees and directly over your ankle. Hold for 5 breaths.

High Lunge Twist:
Tuck your toes and push into your hands, lifting your hips toward the ceiling to return to Downward Dog.

Step your right foot forward between your hands into lunge position, then lift your chest and bring your hands to prayer position; twist your torso to the right, bringing your left elbow to the outside of your right knee; look to the right and up. Hold for 5 to 8 breaths.

Lower your hips, coming onto your toes and moving your torso forward until your shoulders are directly over your hands. Your abs should be tight, with your body in a straight line from head to heels. Hold for 5 breaths.

Upward Dog:
With hands still in place, inhale and slowly lower hips toward floor (try not to touch). Untuck toes and push gently into hands, straightening your arms and lifting your chest. Hold for 1 breath.

Thursday 12 September 2013

Natural Home Remedies for Dandruff Treatment Easily

Treating Dandruff is important because it is embarrassing and produces self-esteem issues. Dandruff can be spread if you are making use of common comb, hairbrush, soap and towel. Eliminating dandruff is not as hard as perceived. Dandruff homemade remedies are all-natural as well as extremely effective. They can ensure that you get long lasting results keeping you away from harmful chemical substances and costly hair treatment products.

Natural Home Remedies:

  • Rub lemon to scalp systematically and make sure there are no parts that are not rubbed. Do half-hour before shampooing. It is more efficiently to do in during free time at home.
  • Massage your hair with coconut oil (virgin coconut oil) and leave it for a while. Treatment with the coconut oil has anti-fungal properties to improve the efficiency of this treatment, cover your head with a hot towel longer it will be more effective.
  • Use fenugreek (methi) to clear dandruff. Soak two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in water and then let stand overnight. It will be softer on the next day and then crush and apply to your hair and let stand for 20 minutes then rinse.
  • Treatment with warm towels you may do. Soak a towel with warm water and then wring it out. Use the towel to cover your hair and leave on for ten minutes to get rid of dandruff.
  • Use solution of water and vinegar. Take one tablespoon of vinegar and six tablespoons water then mix it. Keep this mixture for one night, in morning use it with a good herbal shampoo.
  • Drinking enough mineral water will help you overcome dandruff.
  • Massage your head while shampooing. Massage your hair softly and overall from neck to head. It could help increasing blood circulation and removes dandruff flakes that have accumulated on your scalp.

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Foods That Make You Beautiful

It is healthy to have a balanced diet especially one that consists of foods that make you beautiful. These foods improve your health and appearance and lead to a long healthy and beautiful life.
They say we are what we eat, and our beauty is no exception. Products can only take you so far in enhancing your beauty but to really make our skin glow, we need to eat the right foods. Here are the best beauty- foods to munch on and why they can make us turn heads.

Great shiny hair can’t be achieved totally with a mountain of products. Instead, if you’re finding yourself having dry and brittle hair, eat some walnuts. Walnuts are rich in healthy fat that support healthy skin and hair. They are also rich in Biotin and can even help with depression. Just a handful of them is enough!

Blueberries are rich in Vitamin A, E and C. They have very high antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. They increase the flow of oxygen in the blood preventing cardiovascular diseases. The anti-oxidant properties in blueberries are anti-aging and they prevent wrinkles and pre mature aging. Blueberries, raspberries and strawberries are key foods that make you beautiful.

Tomatoes contain a good amount of Vitamin A that aids in the development of healthy skin cells. But they don’t only give you flawless skin but they can also act as great shields from the sun. Tomato rich diet actually can result in less redness and UV DNA damage. Add tomatoes easily in your diet by having them in salads, sauces and soups.

Kidney Beans:
A very high source of iron full of antioxidants, kidney beans contain biotin which makes your hair grow long and strong. Kidney beans reduce hair fall and is a natural hair, skin and nail formula. Kidney bean salad should be introduced in the daily diet to make you look beautiful.

A bowl of yogurt everyday, especially low fat yogurt, is more beneficial compared to a glass of milk. This dairy product is high in calcium and is very good for strong bones, nails and teeth. Healthy nails, especially in women, are considered a sign of beauty and yogurt is one of those foods that make you beautiful. Strong bones keep your posture healthy and make your figure look tall and lean.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Effective Natural Beauty Tips for Teenage Girls

Well girls always much aware of their beauty and they always attempt to get something admirable to catch magnificent look and pure skin. However their desires never come true when they stop caring their self, however they may be able to get it, if they play the role of feeling that what sort of treatments our face must get pure skin.

Listed here are given some beauty tips which supports you to get pure skin and that sure you that these tips will decrease the amount of makeup tips on your face that every teen age lady attempt to adorn their face. These pointers will help you to get natural and pure look free from pimples, dark spots and freckles. Just use these tips to get unmark-able beauty and fresh skin.

Natural Beauty Secrets:

Facial Care Tips:
  • If you're a girl who use makeup on her behalf skin daily and forget to get rid of it from face while sleeping, so I hint you try to get rid of your makeup with freshwater and use those soap or face wash which supports you to make your facial skin beautiful and glowing.
  • Moisturize the face daily and clean the face with a special cleanser which will help to shine your skin as brightly like a girl want to have.
  • Backing soda is called best acne cure product, simply make the paste of backing soda with freshwater, apply it on your face or around the infected part of your skin, laser hair removal is used to cure pimple problem and you'll be able to get shinny skin after 2 or 3 uses.
Hair Care Tips:
  • Proper hair care is the second most wanted beauty secret among teen girls; they would like to get shinny and long hair by utilizing some simple steps. Use henna to nourish hair naturally, henna is considered as the best natural proper hair care product.
Make the paste of natural henna powder with freshwater, yogurt, lemon juice, egg yolk and marrow of natural aloe-vera. Put all these ingredients in a large bowl come up with a perfect mixture put it aside not less than 10 minutes. After 10 minutes put it on on your hair from roots towards the tips of your hair that they'll completely dip in henna paste watch for two to three hours to make it fully dried up on your head. Wash it after two hours and they will aid you in getting long, shinny, strong and healthy hair. Use it at least two times in a week to obtain better result for proper hair care treatment.

Monday 9 September 2013

Healthy foods for Beautiful Skin

What if you could eat the right path to beautiful skin? Actually, eat. We all know make up can function wonders for our appearances, but makeup doesn’t correct or prevent those daily unwanted skin problems. People can correct many skin issues with the foods eat. There are lots of natural remedies that you can make in your own home to let your true beauty stand out. So skip the takeout tonight and get your note pad.

Full of vitamin A, B, and E, the simple banana is known to be anit-aging fruit. Save the peels! Banana peels can sort out acne-prone skin. Simply cut a piece of a banana peel, rub it around the affected area and after a few minutes it'll completely dry.

Fish & Walnuts 
You don’t need to try these two together, but separately, fish and walnuts have a lot of health and beauty benefits! Both are full of essential fatty acids & Omega-3s that are essential to keeping the skin feeling and looking healthy.

Lemons & Water 
Ditch those sugary drinks and sodas, water is you need! Our skin is an organ and without water, it won't function at its best. Water is among the most powerful natural remedies for the body! Dried-out skin is usually the result of not drinking enough water. Eight portions of water a day will help your body get rid of toxins and enhance the appearance of your skin.

An apple each day keeps the dermatologist away! The antioxidants present in apples help to boost collagen within the skin and keep you looking younger longer. Don’t forget to consume the apple skin too! The antioxidants based in the apple skin are known for making the skin more resistant to sun damage.

Mangoes, Apricots, and Papaya 
These fruits are filled with pigments called carotenoid. We have carotenoid kept in the layer of fat that’s right beneath the skin we have, so eating these fruits will enhance your skin tone and give you that natural rosy glow.

Friday 6 September 2013

Homemade Mask To Treat Acne

Use fruit face masks like a natural acne treatment. Acne can be a very stubborn thing to eliminate. People use hundreds of different acne cures, ointments and lotions which result in a negative impact rather than a positive.

Testing out allopathic treatments as an acne cure is really a widely accepted practice, however for those who wish to curb their spending, or need to make sure that they reduce their spending, testing out natural remedies is a great idea.

Homemade Nose and mouth mask:

Honey and rosewater mask
You may create a mixture of honey and rosewater and employ this mixture as an acne mask. They're a good natural remedy for your small pimples. Just prepare few tablespoon of honey and add few drops of rosewater and use the mixture to your face. Watch for at least 20 minutes and wash the face with warm water. The mixture will soothe the skin, reduce redness, and clear your pimples quickly.

Almond and rosewater mask
This really is another uses of rosewater. You can combine almond and rosewater and employ the paste as a nose and mouth mask. It will help you to remove blackheads and small pimples which mask is very effective for sensitive type of skin. Mix some almond powder with few drops of rosewater to produce a paste. Use the paste in your face for 15 minutes.

Garlic mask
Garlic includes a good amount of sulfur, and sulfur is nice to combat your acne, especially small pimples. Crush a couple of cloves of garlic and use the extract on your face. Wait for 3-5 minutes and rinse immediately with freshwater. Don’t apply this mask for too much time because it can cause irritation inside your face. Please note that this mask may cause burning sensation in your skin.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Health Benefits Of Eating Garlic

Having healthy skin is unquestionably a dream every person. However, the cost offered beauty products to get the desired answers are often too high. There are simple and easy , inexpensive way to provide the same benefits of garlic. Garlic can be used to help treat acne problems, as it contains anti-bacterial and anti-viral treatment can help to eliminate inflammation of the skin.

Garlic also includes organosulfur component substance called allicin. It has the ability to soften and smooth the feel of the skin, and can help eliminate stretch-marks. Attempt to mix a little garlic paste in your face mask, and feel the benefits.

Health Benefits:

To treat skin infections
The chemical ajoene present in garlic may help treat fungal skin ailment like ringworm and athlete’s foot.

Blood thinning
The anti-clotting properties of ajoene present in garlic help in preventing the development of blood clots in the body. Hence, this may also increase the risk of bleeding after surgery.

Effective against warts and corns
Applying fat dissolving garlic extracts to corns around the feet and warts around the hands is thought to improve these conditions.

Cancer prevention
Daily consumption of garlic has been found to lower chance of most types of cancer. This anti-cancer rentals are due to allyl sulphides found in garlic.

Improve iron metabolism
Ferroportin is really a protein which helps in iron absorption and release. Dially sulphides in garlic increase manufacture of ferroportin and help improve iron metabolism.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Best Beauty Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric, the popular spice used in Asian countries, has a rich history, which exudes its health benefits. Scientifically known as Curcuma longa, this spice is derived by grinding the leaves of the Curcuma Longa plant. Turmeric is rightly called a boon for mankind due its immense healing properties.

Benefits of Turmeric:

Acne is a universal problem people face. The bacteria and dirt gets clogged in the skin pores, and breaks out in the form of pimples. Turmeric helps cure acne and helps maintain clear skin. It also controls acne causing sebum, leading to reduction in pimples.

Hormonal changes, over exposure to sunlight, and the body producing too much melanin, are some of the reasons that cause pigmentation on the skin. Consistent use of turmeric helps reduce pigmentation.

Children are more prone to bruises and minor cuts. Just applying turmeric powder on such minor cuts helps in faster healing of the wounds.

Glowing Skin: 
Regular use of turmeric brightens the skin tone, and gives a glow to the face.

Burn marks: 
Turmeric also helps in faster healing and lightening of burn marks.

Stretch Marks: 
Stretch marks especially bother young mothers. Application of turmeric on fresh stretch marks will help lighten the stretch marks to a considerable extent.

Turmeric is an excellent ingredient to help fight dry skin. Apply it with milk to moisturize dry skin.

Clear skin: 
A massage of turmeric mixed with milk cream on the skin helps reduce hair on the skin.

Skin Diseases: 
Consistent use of turmeric may help in fighting serious skin disorders like psoriasis, eczema, red rashes on the skin, and marks due to chickenpox and smallpox.

Last but not the least. Turmeric helps delay aging; the antioxidants in it play a key role in fighting aging.

Monday 2 September 2013

Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

To keep our bodies hydrated and healthy, we ought to drink at least 64 ounces water every day. Add some lemon it o it and revel in better taste and even greater health advantages. Health benefits of lemon water are ensured by vitamin C, B, riboflavin, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, protein and carbohydrates all supplied by lemons.

There are advantages of having lemon in water the following:

Skin Care
Several cosmetic products promise glowing and healthy skin, however it comes at a cost. Try lime water for healthy and glowing skin. Besides, benefiting your skin, water and lime juice reduces aging, blackheads and wrinkles. Lime water is another cooling agent, best way to beat heat.

Stomach Health
Digestive problems would be the most common ailments but tepid to warm water and lime juice may be the solution to most digestive problems. Fresh lemon juice helps to purify the blood, reduces your odds of indigestion, constipation, eliminates toxins in the body, adds digestion and reduces phlegm.

Great for Weight Loss
One of the major health benefits of drinking lemon water is it paves way for losing weight faster, thus serving as a great weight loss remedy. If an individual takes lemon juice mixed with lukewarm water and honey, it may reduce the body weight as well.

Controls High Blood Pressure
Lemon water works wonders for individuals having heart problem, because of its high potassium content. It controls hypertension, dizziness, nausea as well as provides relaxation in your thoughts and body. It also reduces mental stress and depression.

Detoxifying Effect
There are lots of detoxification programs that rely on lemon water as part of the procedure for removing toxins from the liver. Lemon juice is really a diuretic, so by regularly drinking lemon water you'll assist your body in getting rid of toxins before they have a opportunity to build up and cause problems.