Saturday 21 September 2013

Amazing Health Benefits Of Eating Garlic Daily

Garlic is helpful to the health in a very means or another. transcend the smell, and a world of excellent may be done from a daily diet of contemporary garlic or garlic supplements. Despite all the advantages of garlic are incontestible within the laboratory, garlic consumption centuries - and delivered in mistreatment natural drugs - purpose to a grass with a range of healing properties and vital nutrient worth.

Health Benefits Of Garlic:

  • Garlic lowers and regulates blood sugar levels.
  • Raw garlic is often used to treat symptoms of acne.
  • Garlic is anti fungal and reduces yeast infections in body parts.
  • Garlic’s antibacterial, analgesic and anesthetizing properties can help cure toothaches.
  • Garlic boosts your immune system.
  • It can manage high cholesterol levels.
  • It increases blood flow to the brain.
  • It may help prevent colon cancer by protecting colon cells from toxins and preventing the growth cancer cells. Garlic also contains selenium and vitamin C which are also known to protect against colon cancer.
  • If you have cold and flu, then take small amount of garlic every day until the infection disappears. Garlic tends to reduce the frequency of cold and flu without any side effects.
  • If you have moles or scars on your skin, rub garlic on the affected skin. You will get a clear and flawless skin naturally. The anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties of garlic are good to reduce skin inflammation and scars.
  • Other minerals present in garlic are, calcium, potassium, manganese, sulfur, copper, thiamin, vitamin C & E.

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