Tuesday 15 October 2013

Best Foods For Bodybuilding Diet Plan

The bodybuilder’s lifestyle is very different from that of an average joe, with the biggest difference being the bodybuilder’s diet. To the average person, food is another way to pursue some pleasure and enjoy what they put into their bodies. But to the bodybuilder, food is really nothing more than fuel to keep moving forward to the goal you have in mind. Protein bodybuilder snacks that carry the same benefits of other nutritious foods that are high in protein.

Foods For Bodybuilding :

Black Beans :
Bodybuilders need a lot of energy throughout the day. Black beans are great for this, because they release their energy slower, which makes it last longer. Black beans are also a wonderful source of protein and carbohydrates.

Oatmeal :
Apart from protein, the bodybuilding diet plan also requires carbohydrates, which provide energy for workouts. Oatmeal is a great choice for this, as long as you stay away from the instant kinds that are full of sugar and preservatives.

Brussels Sprouts :
These are high in Vitamin C and fiber, and contain very few calories. So, you can eat a lot of them without getting any fat. Kale, cabbage, or other leafy greens are also suitable if you are not a fan of Brussels sprouts.

Egg Whites :
Eggs are a wonderful source of protein, so it is one of the best bodybuilding foods. However, egg yolks contain a lot of unwanted cholesterol. So, separating and eating the whites is the optimal choice. You get all of the necessary protein, but none of the unhealthy cholesterol.

Protein Shakes :
The bodybuilder’s diet consists of 3 meals a day, plus several snacks in between the meals. Protein shakes are the best option for those snacks. Usually a protein shake consists of protein powder, skim milk, and flavoring of fresh or frozen fruit. If a protein shake is prepared correctly, it is a great high-protein, low-fat bodybuilding food.

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